Is surgery the only way to treat the risk of neglecting a boy’s inguinal detachment?

Escalation in children and young children is a common problem. This disease refers to the abnormal escape of organs through other tissue parts, not where they should be.In particular, there are a lot of decongestions remaining in the groin area, which is a common problem in healthy children, so if you suspect any decongestations, you need to take a good look at the information I’m giving you today and deal with it quickly.

Why does a boy’s intestinal detachment occur?

Let’s investigate the cause of inguinal detachment, which occurs frequently in boys. It is normal for the testicles, which were located in the abdomen before the child was born, to find their original position in the crotch and come down. In this process, if the descending passage is not blocked properly, the organs will come out and a boy’s intestinal detachment occurs.It is important to perform surgical procedures immediately after detection when inguinal detachment occurs. The reason is that there is a possibility that the intestines will twist and necrosis at the problem area. Therefore, after checking the condition through ultrasound and CT examinations at the hospital, you should tie up the tissue that has been perforated during the treatment process to block the hole where the intestine can be removed so that no more organs can be removed.

Let’s investigate the cause of inguinal detachment, which occurs frequently in boys. It is normal for the testicles, which were located in the abdomen before the child was born, to find their original position in the crotch and come down. In this process, if the descending passage is not blocked properly, the organs will come out and a boy’s intestinal detachment occurs.It is important to perform surgical procedures immediately after detection when inguinal detachment occurs. The reason is that there is a possibility that the intestines will twist and necrosis at the problem area. Therefore, after checking the condition through ultrasound and CT examinations at the hospital, you should tie up the tissue that has been perforated during the treatment process to block the hole where the intestine can be removed so that no more organs can be removed.

What are the symptoms of a bowel movement?

The following symptoms may appear when a child has inguinal prolapse.I have a soft bump in my crotch.When you push it with your hand, it makes a rumbling sound and goes inside, but it sticks out again when the child stands or coughs.If the symptoms are serious, pain may occur and the child may cry bitterly and hesitate.It usually occurs more on the right than on the left, and if something like a soft bump touches the child’s body like this, it is necessary to suspect the prolapse.

Risk of neglect

Due to the characteristic of intestinal detachment, which is when a protruding bump is pressed by hand, many parents think that the symptoms will improve as their children grow up and leave it unattended. In the case of umbilical prolapse, it tends to recover naturally around the age of 4 to 5, but if inguinal prolapse occurs, it will never improve naturally, so treatment should be performed by surgical method as soon as possible.At this time, it may lead to confinement, so it is necessary to accept him as soon as possible. Confinement can cause problems in blood circulation if this condition is maintained because organs or tissues protruding from the outside of the body do not return to their original position and are trapped in a deenteric sac. If this happens, there is a high possibility that the tissue will eventually be damaged, leading to complications such as intestinal obstruction and peritonitis, so it is very important to take prompt action rather than neglect.

Due to the characteristic of intestinal detachment, which is when a protruding bump is pressed by hand, many parents think that the symptoms will improve as their children grow up and leave it unattended. In the case of umbilical prolapse, it tends to recover naturally around the age of 4 to 5, but if inguinal prolapse occurs, it will never improve naturally, so treatment should be performed by surgical method as soon as possible.At this time, it may lead to confinement, so it is necessary to accept him as soon as possible. Confinement can cause problems in blood circulation if this condition is maintained because organs or tissues protruding from the outside of the body do not return to their original position and are trapped in a deenteric sac. If this happens, there is a high possibility that the tissue will eventually be damaged, leading to complications such as intestinal obstruction and peritonitis, so it is very important to take prompt action rather than neglect.What are the surgical methods to improve the boy’s intestinal detachment?There is a limit to the treatment in that it will recur in the degree-conquering technique where you put your intestines in by hand. Therefore, I would like to say that you should choose a surgical method. At this time, laparotomy and laparoscopy were used as surgical methods. In the past, many treatments were performed by laparotomy, which had large scars and a long recovery period due to the large incision range.Therefore, laparoscopic surgery is being performed a lot these days, and after making a fine incision of about 1cm, a laparoscopic instrument is inserted into the body to restore the missing organs to their original state through a connected monitor screen. Because the incision range is very small, it has the advantage of being able to be discharged on the same day with little scarring and less pain.Our hospital is also treating intestinal detachment through laparoscopic surgery, and using a 4k high-definition camera, you can safely proceed with the treatment while checking your child’s condition with clear image quality.What kind of medical system does chatter have?Currently, our hospital has laparoscopic instruments tailored for children, and we are taking measures to reduce scars and proceed safely. In addition, a separate ward for children is set up to intensively support the care of children with slow recovery. In addition, anesthesiology medical staff from Asan Medical Center in Seoul will reside to support anesthesia according to the child’s condition, continuously monitor the child’s condition during surgery, and respond immediately if dangerous situations occur.In addition, it is operated as a one-day system that can be operated on the same day from medical treatment to surgery to discharge, and if you perform surgery in the morning, you can leave the hospital around 3-4 p.m. Above all, we are conducting constant research to specialize in pediatric decal surgery, so please leave your child’s health to him with confidence.Currently, our hospital has laparoscopic instruments tailored for children, and we are taking measures to reduce scars and proceed safely. In addition, a separate ward for children is set up to intensively support the care of children with slow recovery. In addition, anesthesiology medical staff from Asan Medical Center in Seoul will reside to support anesthesia according to the child’s condition, continuously monitor the child’s condition during surgery, and respond immediately if dangerous situations occur.In addition, it is operated as a one-day system that can be operated on the same day from medical treatment to surgery to discharge, and if you perform surgery in the morning, you can leave the hospital around 3-4 p.m. Above all, we are conducting constant research to specialize in pediatric decal surgery, so please leave your child’s health to him with confidence.At present, we have over 26,000 cases of laparoscopic surgery. The improvement process, which is carried out with our own technology, is as technical as recognized by the chairman of the Korea-China Decontamination Symposium and the Chinese Decontamination Society. In addition, there are many children who have been recovering rapidly after actually visiting the hospital because their skills are inevitably superior because they are constantly conducting research activities from the past to the present.If you visit a medical institution with these characteristics, you will be able to quickly improve the problem of male prolapse without much concern. Therefore, please leave the symptoms unattended and treat them quickly at the hospital without further deteriorating your child’s condition.Damsoyu Hospital Damsoyu Building, 234 Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulDamsoyu Hospital Damsoyu Building, 234 Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulDamsoyu Hospital Damsoyu Building, 234 Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulDamsoyu Hospital Damsoyu Building, 234 Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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