호주동종 강아지,고양이 녹내장,각막 영양 장애,콜리아이(CEA) 변종..

Glaucoma in dogs and cats is caused by an imbalance in intraocular pressure (also known as intraocular pressure).This intraocular pressure increases because a large amount of liquid is produced in the eye and is not discharged quickly.The reason for slow body fluid discharge depends on the type of glaucoma, and there are two types: primary glaucoma and secondary glaucoma.Primary is primary glaucoma: this is the primary reason for the formation of intraocular pressure elevation due to genetically abnormal drainage angles…secondary glaucoma: this is caused by disease or damage.This glaucoma is more common in cats than in primary glaucoma.Each type of glaucoma occurs under different conditions in the snow, but the results are the same.Primary cognitive and secondary cognitive tests are required for proper treatment.There are remedy and herbs that support glaucoma.The cataract disease I mentioned earlier is AN076(A) and glaucoma is AN076(B)

$189.00 AUDAN076-1(b) Official Remedy that helps Glaucoma glaucoma condition (retinal detachment) and other eye muscle degenerative glaucoma, thrombosis, and muscle deterioration opacity.眼球For glaucoma, use it with Toxoplasma Gondii parasitic treatment 203 Set.※ For symptoms of CEA/choroid hypoxia, only 2, 3, and 4 are required during SET.Number 1 is not applicable.******AN076-2 EyeVitamin Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, D, excellent blood circulation improvement, and Ibright compound formula remedy for eye infection treatment.******AN076-3 Eye Vision Partial Real Name, Capillary, Retinal optic nerve, Connective tissue, and Official Remedy to help collagen production.(This remedy helps prevent blindness, but if it doesn’t improve within 3 months, the cause may be the whole body.) ****AN076-4Liver Aid is an official remedy of herbs and liver formula HAMPLLiver Detox 36, which is closely related to the liver.

As a registered natural therapy animal practitioner, we offer effective natural veterinary medicine around the world. Over 24 years of service. Take care of your pet in a natural way! holisticanimalremedies.com

As a registered natural therapy animal practitioner, we offer effective natural veterinary medicine around the world. Over 24 years of service. Take care of your pet in a natural way! holisticanimalremedies.com

As a registered natural therapy animal practitioner, we offer effective natural veterinary medicine around the world. Over 24 years of service. Take care of your pet in a natural way! holisticanimalremedies.com


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